The J-Kaiwa Team
Jamie Hubbard(ジェイミー先生)
Date of birth: 26/03/1971
Hobbies: travelling, going to onsens, listening to music, watching movies, playing sport (basketball, golf, tennis, triathlon.....)
Favorite Japanese food: Sushi (Ippei Sushi Lettuce Maki), Tofu, Yaki Niku, Shabu Shabu, Unagi,and Okonomiyaki.
Hi!! I'm Jamie!! I come from Brisbane, Australia. I studied Japanese language at High School and did a Youth Exchange homestay programme to Saitama, Japan in 1986. I have always been interested in Japan; in particular Japanese food, Japanese culture and history..... I especially like samurais. I worked for the Prince Hotel in Niigata and Osaka for one year. and also for CBS Television at the Nagano Olympic Winter Games in 1998. I came to Miyazaki in 1999 and worked at the Mimata Town Office as Co-Ordinator of International Relations for 3 years. In 2002, I began working as a reporter with UMK on a programme called Jaga Jaga Ten koku. Following this I started working at Joy FM radio station on a corner called Shabbete Miran-ne Crazy English on the Hybrid Morning Breakfast show. Currently I am the MC on a tv programme called 3KYU on UMK, which is broadcast every Friday morning at 10:50. Also, I work as MC for weddings, festivals and other events, and also appear on TV commercials. I love living in Miyazaki.....I like the people, the climate, the food, clean air, beaches, mountains, and the laid back lifestyle!!
そう、僕は侍が大好きでごじゃる!ホームスティがすごくよかったので、 大学でも日本語を専攻し、卒業後の1993年に新潟と大阪のプリンスホテルで1年間働きました。
また、1998年の長野冬季オリンピックのとき、CBSで働きました。 その後宮崎に1999年に来て、国際交流員として、三股町役場で3年間働きました。 (その時から宮崎に恋しています!) 2002年から、UMKの「じゃがじゃが天国」という番組にレポーターとして働き始め、そして、ラジオの JOY FMで「しゃべってみらんねCRAZY ENGLISH」という午前中の番組をはじめました。
2008年の10月から「3きゅう」というUMKテレビ番組で司会をしています。 この番組は毎週金曜日の午前10時50分に放送されていますので、ぜひみちょって下さい。
また、私は結婚式や祭り、他のイベントの司会として働いたり、TVのコマーシャルにも出ています。 私は宮崎に住むことや、宮崎の人柄、天候、食べ物、 きれいな空気、海、山、そしてゆったりとしたライフスタイルが大好きです!
Mitchell Potter (ミッチェル先生)
Birth date: 21/12/1989
Hobbies: reading, hiking, playing sports, singing choral music, teaching English
Favorite food: Fricot(カナダ伝統料理のシチュー), thai curry, wagashi
Hello! My name is Mitchell Potter and I’m from Nova Scotia, Canada. I've always been fascinated by Japanese culture, language, and history. Miyazaki looks like a wonderful place to live and make friends, and I can’t wait to explore the prefecture. Learning languages is a wonderful thing – it teaches you about other cultures and exercises your mind. I am excited to speak English with all the students at J-Kaiwa!
Hello! カナダのノヴァスコシアというところから来ました、ミッチェル・ポッターと言います。
Teri Cullen (テリー先生)
Birth date: 3/28/1991
Hobbies: arts and crafts, video games, swimming, and music.
Favorite food: Katsudon, shepherd's pie
Hello, everyone! My name is Teri and I am from Scotland in the UK.
My hobbies are arts and crafts, video games, swimming, and music. I love playing the saxophone! My favorite animals are dogs. I have a pet dog, he is nine years old, and his name is Momota.
I studied Japanese at Edinburgh University. I also did an exchange program for one year, where I stayed in Kyoto, and studied at Doshisha University.
For the last two years I have been teaching English in Aichi, and I am excited to start teaching at J-Kaiwa soon!
I'm looking forward to living in Miyazaki, and hopefully making new friends and learning to surf, too! I can't wait to meet all of you!
Jack Vincent (ジャック先生)
Birth date: November 1995
Hobbies: music, cooking, tennis, chess, hiking, cooking
Favorite food: curry
Hi everybody! My name is Jack, and I am from England in the UK. I love music! I listen to lots of music, and I play guitar, sing, and DJ too. I first became interested in Japan because I like Japanese music. I also like to
play tennis and go hiking in nature. My favourite food is curry, and I enjoy cooking food for me and my friends.
I lived in Nagasaki for 2 years and I am really excited to live in Kyushu again! I can’t wait to meet you all, make lots of friends, and learn new
things about Miyazaki!
Hi everybody! みなさん、こんにちは!ジャックです。日本の音楽にはまっちゃって、日本に興味を持ち始めました。音楽が大好きです!たくさん音楽を聴くし、ギターを弾いたり、歌ったり、DJもやります。
Junko Fuse(ジュンコ先生)
Hobbies: Reading, Piano, Ukulele
Nice to meet you! I'm Junko! 布施順子です。私はこれまで11年間、英会話講師として働いてきました。 幼児から高校生まで、子どもたちの「英語でやってみたい!」を、全力でサポートしていきます。 文法クラスや英検クラスの先生として、みなさんと過ごせるのを楽しみにしています。 Let's study English together. 💜 どうぞよろしくお願いします。💕
【海外体験】 アメリカ
【英語学習のきっかけ】 子どもと見ていた教育番組で、英語の音の面白さに惹かれて英語学習に夢中に!資格を取り念願の講師になりました。✨
Yoko Abe (ヨーコ先生)
Birth date: 23/December
Hobbies: hiking, watching rugby games, teaching English, listening to K-pop music, posting pics to Instagram
Favorite food: everything excpt green peppers. sweets lover